Explore a holistic path to recovery.

The Psychiatrist Rehabilitation Program (PRP) at our facility is a specialized initiative designed to support the mental health and well-being of both adults and children or adolescents. This program focuses on individuals who may be experiencing challenges in daily living due to severe mental health conditions. Our dedicated mental health professionals collaborate to create tailored rehabilitation plans that address the unique needs of each participant. We provide a supportive environment that empowers participants to achieve their goals and live fulfilling lives.

For adults and minors in the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program, the focus is on:

  • Self-Care: Emphasizing healthy habits, including proper nutrition, medication adherence, sufficient rest, and regular exercise
  • Growing Independence: Cultivating skills in managing personal living spaces, navigating urban environments, handling finances, and understanding the process of filing for benefits
  • Peace & Harmony: Providing tools for conflict resolution, healthy expression of anger, and effective communication with figures of authority
  • Managing Emotions: Providing insight into emotional disturbances and coping mechanisms. Recognizing warning signs and equipping individuals with strategies to seek additional support
  • Crisis Preparedness: Assisting in the development of crisis plans and facilitating outreach during times of need
  • Busting Stigma Barriers: Combating societal stigma by fostering an understanding that individuals with mental illness are just like anyone else. Encouraging open dialogue to eliminate feelings of shame or embarrassment

To learn more about our psychiatric rehabilitation program, please contact us today.